We have moved to a new location No 492/6, Galle Road, Colombo 06.

Mental Retardation

Mental Retardation

Mental retardation is characterized both by a significantly below average score on
a test of mental ability or intelligence and by limitation in the ability to function in
areas of daily life, such as communication, self-care, and getting along in social
situations and school activities. Mental retardation is sometimes referred to as a
cognitive or intellectual disability.

People with mental retardation may have other disabilities as well. Examples of
these coexisting conditions include cerebral palsy, seizure disorders, vision
impairment, hearing loss and attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Children with severe mental retardation are more likely to have additional
disabilities that are to the children with a mild mind.

Children with down syndrome and autism respond very well to our treatment.
Brain functions improve along with physical and mental faculties.


Immuno-QR Tablets
Dosage – 2 tablets 4 times daily (8 bottles for 100 days)

(Dosage may differ according to age for children)

Mental Retardation

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